Monday, November 27, 2006


Try out

I figured I would post today about Gliffy ( since I just finished using it and found the experience great! It's not the first time I've used it and honestly, it makes perfect sense. If you haven't checked it out, it's Visio-like but free and with no install. Considering I only use a diagramming tool every couple of months, I simply don't want to shell out for Visio and I don't want to download it, install it, etc... so Gliffy is a great solution.

Check out Gliffy's blog at One of their latest posts is on a new plugin to Confluence, an Enterprise Wiki (, so it looks like they are very busy over there. Hats off to Chris and Clint!

Now to tie this into backup - this is another opportunity for backup of online content. I have some documents stored up on Gliffy I would not be happy with if they "went away". I really ought to have a backup but currently there's not much I can do to make that happen. I guess I could go through and save a .PNG of each document each time I make an update. Not practical.

Gliffy doesn't have an API (that I am aware of) to suck a copy of your files out. Maybe a "Save as Visio document" feature would facilitate the capability to provide a backup.

Well, needless to say we are going to look into adding support for backup of your Gliffy documents to We will let you know how that works out.

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