Wednesday, June 20, 2007


25 Websites to watch

While we were out of the office, BlogBackupOnline was identified as one of "25 Web Sites to Watch" by Preston Gralla in PCWorld Magazine.

Gralla had this to say about BlogBackupOnline:

"If you have a blog and you aren't sure that your blog provider will always have a backup in case of a crash, head over to BlogBackupOnline pronto. The site is straightforward: Log in, enter information about your blog, and the site diligently backs it up every day (provided that you use one of the 11 supported blogging services--Blogger, Friendster, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Multiply, Serendipity, Terapad, TypePad, Vox, Windows Live Space, or WordPress). The site is also a great tool if you ever decide to move your blog from one platform to another. After you've backed up your blog, BlogBackupOnline can bring all of your old entries into the new service."

It's great to continue to see people realizing the need to control and secure their blog's content, and Gralla's article is one heck of an endoresement. It's also great to be mentioned along with some of our other favorite products such as PBwiki, Pageflakes, and Swivel.

Thanks to everyone that continues to tell their friends about BlogBackupOnline, and please, stayed tuned, as we'll have a major announcement in the next day or two regarding a completely new service.

Hey - found you through PCWorld ;) Nice PR - tell me, can i port my Blog from Blogger to Wordpress with this?
Yes, you should be able to export your blog from Blogger to Wordpress with BlogBackupOnline.

If you need any help with this, feel free to email me at Thanks!
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